Woman Thou Art Loosed! Healing the Wounds of the Past

Oleh:Bishop TD. Jakes|| Penerbit:Treasure House|| Harga:Rp. 30.000|| Rabat:|| Bahasa:Inggris|| Cover:Soft|| Isi:HVS, 186hlm|| Ukuran:13 x 20,5 cm|| Berat:|| Tahun:1993|| Cet./edisi:cet.20,1996|| Kondisi:Bekas||

About The Books

This book is the hearth of the Father ministering to the women of His Son's Body. Literally thousands of women have been set free by the anointed word of TD Jakes. It;s mind-challenging. Life Changing and spirit-transforming truth. Your life will never be the same after reading this book.


One Infirmed woman
Broken Arrows
That was Then
The Victim Survives
Walk into the Newness
Origins of Feminity
A Womb-Man
Anoint Me.. I'am Single!
A table for Two
Daughter of Abraham
A woman Without Excuse
The True Beauty of Woman
Every Woman Needs a Sabbath
Winter Woman
Breaking the Chain


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Fathur Rahman li Thalibi Ayatil-Qur'an

Sebuah Perjalanan--BPu

Kungkung si Katak Kecil--BPu